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06manbetx › Esco Medical and DSS Imagetech joined the 10th International Congress of ACE

Esco Medical and DSS Imagetech joined the 10th International Congress of ACE


The Academy of Clinical Embryologists (ACE) is an India-based organization that promotes clinical embryology through various efforts such as continuing medical education, training, web-based learning, collaborations with reproductive biology research groups, and more.

On its 10th anniversary, ACE organized its annual congress in a face-to-face setup after two years of doing it virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 10th International Congress of ACE was held on September 23-25, 2022, at the Leela Hotel Gurugram Delhi NCR and was participated by embryologists and fertility professionals from all over India.

Esco Medical and DSS Imagetech, our distributor in India, participated in the event as an exhibitor.We displayed some of our innovativeIVF solutionsin the booth - theMIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator,Mini® MIRI, andCelCulture® CO2incubator.

Esco Medical congratulates the organizers and participants.We would also like to thank everyone who came to drop by our booth.
